Pete, There is a patch floating around somewhere for CF's administrator which gives you more meaningful error messages when connecting to data sources other than the generic JDBC pool error. Search
For SQL Server: 1) Make sure you are using Mixed Mode Authentication (not Windows only). 2) Make sure your password is not more than 16 chars. 3) Do not use (local) as the server. Hope this helps. Setting up a SQL data source should be a snap. Thanks, André -----Original Message----- From: Pete Ruckelshaus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 03 March 2003 15:36 To: CF-Talk Subject: CFMX DSN woes I cannot for the life of me configure a DSN in the CF MX Administrator. I have tried to configure both an Oracle Native DSN (on a remote server) and an MS SQL Server 2000 DSN (on localhost) and get this error: Connection verification failed for data source: cm []java.sql.SQLException: SQLException occurred in JDBCPool while attempting to connect, please check your username, password, URL, and other connectivity info. The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException: SQLException occurred in JDBCPool while attempting to connect, please check your username, password, URL, and other connectivity info. Interestingly, I get the same error for both the Oracle DSN and the MS SQL Server DSN. I have updated the JET and MDAC, and have run Updater 2. I am running MX Enterprise on localhost running the built-in web server on port 8500. Right now, I need to get the SQL Server DSN up and running. It gives me this error whether I have the database set up for no security or for a DB User with appropriate rights, and a userid/password assigned. I am using the following settings: DSN: cm database: cm (this is a database in my local instance of SQL Server) server: (local) port: 1433 username: system OR cm (system with only windows security set, cm with SQL Server auth set) password: [none] or "password" Everything else is default except I have Unicode enabled in the "String Format" checkbox and I have CLOB enabled. Can someone help me? Oddly, Access DSN's work fine. Thanks, Pete ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Archives: Subscription: FAQ: Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in ColdFusion and related topics. Unsubscribe: