Yes, I agree that if a decent discussion is started about it then it seems
like Sean & Christian jump right in a get something done.
But this guy was taking it way to far!
And then starts insulting members and saying that he wants to aggravate us.
If the guy had a brain cell and a half he'd realize that we are the people
that can help him but instead he starts spewing insults at people.
a better logic suggests that if you have an issue then get the others to
push the maker to fix it, simple common sense.

"I'd never before seen a major corporation rethink their  pricing/licensing
policies just from some posts on a mailing list"
Exactly! but as I recall when ( I believe it was brook) started that out and
throughout the duration of the discussion it was handled fairly pleasantly.
A complaint was made and a discussion started & MM responded. If I was MM I
wouldn't respond to that putz either.

hey I realize its just my opinion & my opinion was he took it too far.
If I was MM I'd give him his money back, cancel his license and send him on
his cheerful way:)

Maybe Tony could share his "half pipe" with him and things would chill a bit
and he'd get taken care of.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 7:37 AM
Subject: Re: ODBC Problems?

> On 3/5/03, Dave Lyons penned:
> >if you have a problem with MM tell them about it, I don't understand why
> >feel you need to come here and do it.  Do you think this group has "magic
> >powers"  and if you cry for them long enough, they will fix your every
> >lol
> Maybe not EVERY whim, but we originally got the licensing issues
> (extra $$$ for multi-processor, etc.) taken care of by everyone
> coming RIGHT HERE and griping. This venue has always been partially
> about that. I'd never before seen a major corporation rethink their
> pricing/licensing policies just from some posts on a mailing list.
> So to answer you question, yes, this group certainly DOES have magic
> powers. :-D
> --
> Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development
> 954.721.3452
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