> Is it really a "a massive step in web design"????  Or is it a massive step
in marketeering/advertising/etc on the web???  Or have the two ideas really
truly begun to meld into one?

Just blowin sunshine up everybodies a$$

What is an RIA really???  To me it seems to smack of 'interactive TV'!  Has
anyone built any true business applications using this RIA stuff yet???

Building one now...lovin it!  RIA is the way to go.  Lets face it...alot of
customers don't understand what we do...but they love pretty moving pictures

Has someone say built a DB driven ad-hoc report that easily displays 1000
rows of dat that can be dumped to Excel???

Umm ya...what's so hard about that?

> Just some thoughts....we should probably move this thread to CF_Community
now I suspect
> Doug

Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
t. 250.920.8830

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