On Wednesday, March 5, 2003, at 08:00 PM, Willy Ray wrote:

> Know this: I'm a developer for a small college using ColdFusion MX,
> Flash MX, DWMX, and Homesite.  We've been a ColdFusion campus since
> version 3.  I *love* your products.  I *love* your support folks.  I
> would like to see Macromedia continue to do well.  I'm a loyal  
> customer.

That's good to hear.  Thanks for the support.  I will pass this along  
to our support team.  I don't think anyone in support is used to being  
told that they are loved!

> Here's how I read your .04%:
> Macromedia's marketing info says the site gets a million customers a
> day.
> That article is here:
> http://www.macromedia.com/devnet/mmwebsite/articles/ 
> devnet_experience.html
> four tenths of one percent of one million (1,000,000 * .004) = 4,000
> customers hitting your site per day using Opera.
> So, is this significant to you or not? Maybe it isn't.  I can see the
> corporate attitude being, "The amount of customers we have, those 4k  
> can
> hang."  What do you think?  Is that the case?

I don't think Mike posted that statistic intending to trivialize the  
numbers.  I think he just posted it to put the debate in perspective  
since there were posts earlier this morning claiming that Opera owns  
10% of the browser market.  4,000 is clearly significant which is why  
we are working with Opera to get these issues worked out.  We don't  
want anyone to be excluded from our content any more than Opera wants  
their users to be excluded from anyone's content, which is why we both  
want to get this issue resolved.  I will say, however, that it would  
not have made much sense for us to design our new site around one  
little bug in one browser that constitutes .4% of our traffic when we  
are already working on getting the bug fixed.


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