I haven't been following this thread, but I've been running CFMX (as well as
CF4.5 and CF5) and MySQL on the same box and on different boxes, both with
Windows and Linux and never had a problem with connecting to databases with
any setup.

Do you perhaps have a firewall or tcpwrappers disallowing access to port
3306 (a VERY good idea) and accidentally set to disallow access from the
local machine as well?  That'd keep your connections from working.  If I
were you, that's the kind of stuff that I'd start analyzing, rather than
duplicating the setup, because there are a million instances of CF and MySQL
playing nice, and duplicating the set up will very likely not duplicate all
those nitty-gritty settings exactly, which would make the test invalid.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Hassinger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 9:50 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: CFMX Linux JDBCPool Timeout
> Just an update... I have contacted Macromedia,
> They claim that they have not heard of this problem from other users. They
> had me download a JDBC MySQL driver from mysql's site.... the same problem
> occured with that driver.
> I created the data source using a Windows development version of
> Cold Fusion
> MX on another machine pointing to the same database. It appeared to work
> perfectly and correctly with no timeout issues, which points to mysql
> working just fine.
> I will await to hear back from Macromedia, but in the meantime,
> my next task
> may be to replicate the Linux box and see if it occurs on another box with
> the same setup. Also, then I may be able to test across machines
> instead of
> loopback with Linux, which... maybe there is a problem accessing the
> database on the same machine as CFMX??? Who knows.
> I'm always up for more ideas, but I think replicating the
> environment might
> be a good clue for finding out if it is a fluke or a repetitive
> issue for my
> setup.
> -Paul Hassinger
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