I wouldn't expect it to be possible with the existing scope collections like
form or with native data types like arrays. In most cases I wouldn't expect
this to really be something people look for, largely because it's not
necessary for any custom framework (form validation for instance) that I'm
aware of -- using native functions and UDF's that work on arrays and
structures directly (<cfset checkformdata()> or <cfset x =
arraylen(myarray)>) isn't a workaround : it's the way it's done to begin

Now if you're talking about adding methods to CFC's at runtime, such as
<cfset myCFC.doSomething = myUDF> that's a whole other story (and I suspect
could be useful in some situations, just as it is sometimes useful to group
UDF's into request structures and the like). I haven't got any clue if MX
supports it. I half expect it to be supported already, but I also half
expect it to not be supported. If it is supported, then rebuilding the
scopes (form,url,attributes,variables,request,etc) as CFC's similar to the
new custom java class for the Arguments array in functions, if these scopes
aren't already defined this way would provide the other functionality
(although I'm not sure if I agree that would be an advantage).

> Is there a way to attach a method/function to cf variable,
> be it a
> string, array, structure, etc at runtime? I don't think
> this is
> possible now, but it just popped into my head, and before
> I headed to
> the wishform, I was wondering if it, or a creative
> workaround already
> existed.

> For example, attaching a validate method to the form
> collection, or a
> length method to an array.

> --

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