> Anyone on the list have any experience using CF and ArcIMS? If so, I

- bear to install (bushmill helps ;-)
- fairly easy to develop with but if you want full power you'll need to
learn its xml flavor, AXL (arcXML).
- make sure you do arcIMS 4.01, i've had arcIMS 4.0 working with cfmx but
arcIMS4.01 is supposedly better with mx
-somebody's found a workaround for the tricky java servlet bits by using
cfmx instead, see this thread
http://forums.esri.com/Thread.asp?c=64&f=782&t=85634&mc=20#243822 very
cool--might actually make it much simpler to install.

> Before we sink $7500 into a product I'd like to get the opinions of some

you don't have to spend a dime if you don't want to. depends entirely on
your GIS needs. i also use mapserver (free)  http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/
controlled via cfhttp CGI calls. works plenty fine.

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