Not exactly, but you would have the digital equivalent - Since the digital
equivalents are not always unique, they do narrow the search considerably.
Agencies that use fingerprints use a database that sends a query for the digital
equivalent, and then the agency does a physical match against the records

As far as a drivers license is concerned, they will assist in identifying the
holder.  A law enforcement agency (and the DL renewal office) will scan your
actual thumbprint, encode it to its digital equivalent, and then match that
against your records.  Thumbprint scanners are in common use in stores that cash
checks, accept checks, etc.  It is a simple matter to encode those scans at the
point of sale and then swipe the DL and check for a ID match.  If it is a DL
that does not have thumbprint code, then they simple create their own database
and match up the actual scan with the DL information, and then many stores (and
banks) will share that database.

This is actually rather old technology, because stores are increasingly
installing check processing terminals that will scan your check, and then verify
that it is good - both in amount and signature. They then can debit your
checking account on the spot, much like a debit card, and then even give your
check back to you.

You may also notice that some stores even swipe your currency with a special
felt tip pen or a scanner which then will detect counterfeit currency.

Ain't technology wonderful?

Douglas White
group Manager
----- Original Message -----
From: "webguy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 10:47 AM
Subject: RE: Scanning a Drivers License

| Really ? So if I have your drivers licence I have a copy of your thumbprint?
| O.J.Simpson defence number #1003
| WG
| > Everything on the face of the card is in the magnetic strip. and for the
| states
| > that require a thumbprint, it includes the hexidecimal code for the
| thumbprint.
| > None of the data is encrypted, but you would need to know the format to
| capture
| > it - not a difficult problem at all.
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