On Monday, Mar 24, 2003, at 22:04 US/Pacific, Jim Davis wrote:
> So lemme check for understanding here:
> Unless we specifially set up buddies sessions act just like they always
> did.  (Server dies, session dies)


> When you DO set up buddies ALL session traffic (updates, creates, etc)
> are maintained on both/all buddies in REAL TIME.  So a server goes 
> down,
> another server has that data.


> Meaning this isn't a performance solution (allowing any server in a
> cluster to use any session from another) but a stability/reliabilty
> solution (preventing angry people when servers go belly-up).

Correct. You have to tradeoff the robustness of session information 
against the performance hit of replicating it.

> So in a normal, simple (ignorant) cluster network traffic between the
> boxes is pretty minimal.  But in a session-sharing buddy cluster 
> network
> traffic can be very high between the servers.  I'm assuming that 
> session
> mirroring is working in real-time for the best possible disaster
> response and not caching or otherwise delaying updates.  Right?

Yup. Servers set up with 'buddy' servers for session replication 
automatically discover each other using JINI and then create 
connections between each other, over which to transfer session updates 
- using Java serialization (which is why you cannot do this with CFCs 
in session scope: they don't serialize).

> All this only works with J2EE sessions, not with regular old
> CFTOKEN/CFID sessions.

Yup. It's a function of the underlying J2EE server, not CFMX itself - 
so it's dependent on the particular J2EE server you use. You can't do 
this with Tomcat, for example, but you can do it with JRun (I actually 
set up a cluster on my Mac laptop and watched session data happily 
migrate from instance to instance as I stopped and started instances on 

> Have I got it or did I miss the boat (again)?

Happy sailing - you caught the boat!

> Thanks in advance.  A damn fine Director of Architecture you are.

*blush* :)

Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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