Sean wrote:
> I'd be interested to hear from folks - like Matt - who use them and 
> prefer them to session variables.

You can pretty much take Jon Hall's post and add 'me too' to that.  I
had horrifying experiences with disappearing session vars, mostly
related to code running on shared servers and the instability that comes
from relying on memory-based storage.  

Using cvars for session management insulated my apps from cf service
restarts, even cold reboots, so long as the next page request falls
within the inactivity-based 'session' expiration the app still retains
the user's session.  

Now, that's not the same environment as a cluster at all, but take that
and couple it to the hoops necessary to jump thru when using an app that
requires a lot of persistent vars (i.e. Step 1: copy to request scope.
Step 2 process Step 3 copy back to session scope, and use locks... Or
lock everything individually everywhere) compared to the relative
simplicity of simply using cvars in code.  

I never missed the inability to store complex values given the ability
to use CFWDDX to handle that issue.  This is extra coding just like the
locking I was whining about above, but my frequency of need for complex
values isn't anything like the frequency associated with locking, and
planning efficient use of same.

I've never had a site that had high enough traffic to be able to notice
the load coming off the cvar storage db, so I can't say at what point a
cvar-based session management scheme will fall down where a svar-based
one will not.

To me, cvars are simpler to use and are, in my admittedly not
all-encompassing experience, inherently more stable given their more
permanent storage medium (a db, of course).

Question: CFMX uses J2EE's session variables.  I'm not up on this at
all, but doesn't that mean I have to be using the much more expensive
Enterprise for J2EE?  

Happy Monday :)

 Matt Robertson       [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 MSB Designs, Inc.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


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