---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Matt Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>A big 'me too' on never, ever sending a pwd over email.  I use a similar
>system to what Tony described.  User enters their email address and I
>send that email acct the username and an encrypted link back to a
>special routine that lets the user change the pwd. 

So, instead of just sending the password over e-mail (which should still require the 
person to know their username, which shouldn't be included in the e-mail), you're 
sending a link over e-mail which also includes their username?  Is that really less 

The way I figure, even if the password e-mail is intercepted, the person intercepting 
the e-mail also needs to know the username.  Sure, they could guess (probably based on 
the user's e-mail address).  But it seems to me like your method allows someone 
intercepting the e-mail to actually change the password to whatever they want, without 
needing anything but the e-mail (since you're also giving them the username).  

Unless I'm missing something there. (Obviously, this is without the question/answer 

Scott Brady
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