Mike Kear wrote:
> I'm about to install some software, and the install notes tell me I have to
> have MDAC2.6 SP2 installed, and Visual C++ 6.0 runtimes.
> The notes also refer to MS Knowledgebase articles about them but I can't
> make head or tail of them.  I don't know if I have these components
> installed or not.  I have a totally up to date WInXPPro, so I'm assuming I
> have these or later.
> Does anyone know how I can check?

MDAC: C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\msadc and check the version 
number of any of the .dll's. I prefer to use 2.7 SP1.

VC++: it is installed if you have MSVCP60.dll somewhere in the system 
path. If not, you can use the installer that comes with the MS kb 
article, but since that one says it is not for use by end-users I prefer 


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