Mike, I've been trying to figure out how to do that... can you send me the snippet of 
code :)

I can't believe this debate is still going on. Sounds to me like those opposed of 
Flash, are scared shitless of the development interface (as I was 2 years ago mind 
you.) and what you don't know or fear you often dislike or discredit. It would be a 
great thing for those people if Flash were to die, because that is just one less 
technology they have to learn, or worse yet, play catch-up on... Just as it would be 
great for JSP developers everywhere if ColdFusion did not compile to Java Byte Code... 


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Chambers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 2:33 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Is Flash really THAT good?

I just want to make sure that everyone understands:

You can have blue links in Flash.

mike chambers


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matthew Small" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 3:32 PM
Subject: RE: Is Flash really THAT good?

> Just jumping in here...
> It sure would be a dull world if nothing evolved.  If that were true, we
> would not have nice cars (they would all be horseless carriages) and
> houses would be caves.
> We use new things because the technology becomes available.  Some uses
> are good, some are bad.  There are plenty of bad sites written in HTML,
> so should we not use HTML?  Nope, the answer is to intelligently design
> our web sites.  The fact is, RIA is going to become the norm within ten
> years because it will make the user experience easier, more
> aesthetically pleasing, and more functional with fewer client errors on
> the server end.
> Sure, blue links are standard, but people like flash. (no pun intended)
> Matthew Small
> IT Director
> Showstopper American Dance Championships
> 843-357-1847
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adam Wayne Lehman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 3:27 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Is Flash really THAT good?
> Yeah I definitely agree with everything you are saying. Well... mostly.
> I'm just saying that traditional navigation schemes transcend the media.
> Just because it's done in flash doesn't mean you can't have blue
> underline links. Everything can be implemented identically in one or the
> other.
> But as far a blue links go (or any long standing tradition), just
> because it's been this way in the past, doesn't mean we should keep
> doing it into the future. Using established proven methodologies for
> navigation yes, I think coloring and underlining menu object is just
> aesthetic at this point. I agree it may well have been true 3 years ago,
> but now users expect visually pleasing sites and applications. (Look at
> OSX and WinXP)
> Adam Wayne Lehman
> Web Systems Developer
> Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
> Distance Education Division
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lofback, Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 2:56 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Is Flash really THAT good?
> > Blue, underlined text is hardly navigation. That's just a common
> > identifier for a link, which in HTML is an action, not necessarily
> > navigation. A link can do a number of things like execute a javascript
> > function or dhtml.
> >
> > Google, since you mention how standard it is, does not use
> > this for it's
> > core navigation. Web, Images, Groups, Directory, and News (The four
> > categories of google) are represented with blue text in a box. If
> > selected the box is blue, if not it's gray. This is hardly a standard,
> > but none the less is effective because users are familiar with tabular
> > menus.
> <CF_UsabilitySoapBox>
> Well, this is quibbling over minor differences and word definitions.
> And I know I'm blowing against the wind here, but the simple fact is
> that users know what to do with blue, underlined text and HTML buttons.
> Why deviate from something that users know?  It only makes it harder for
> them and increases the likelihood that they won't use your site--unless
> they have no place else to go.  Here is the key phrase in your post:
> > effective because users are familiar
> That is the heart of the matter.
> > Every site, whether flash or html, navigate completely different.
> This is pretty much true and it's a negative, not a positive.  On the
> web, different != good usability.  All of those sites with
> different/unique navigation are harder to use than "standard" blue
> underlines and HTML widgets because users have to figure them out--and
> they HATE that.  Even if you think, what's the big deal, it only takes a
> few minutes?  They HATE to be forced to learn something new when all
> they want to do is...whatever...anything but be forced by some web site
> to endure their "different" navigation.
> Look at Yahoo, eBay, Amazon and Google.  I'd guess they are among the
> most heavily used sites and they rely on "standard" light/white
> background, dark/black text, blue underlined links and (for the most
> part) standard form elements.   Minor differences, but they don't stray
> far from the basics.  They know what works.  And we can leverage the
> usability of those sites by mimicking their navigation and design
> elements.  Most users will know how to navigate a site that looks like
> them.  I know this is anathema to all of the web artistes out there, but
> it's the truth: the big sites really define usability for the rest of
> us.  We ignore it at our peril.
> There is room for individuality, but most of the Flash example that were
> suggested on the list are shooting themselves in the foot, IMHO.  If we,
> as developers, care whether or not our site is usable by the most people
> (which means more opportunities for sales/readers/customers/etc) then we
> must bow to the simple needs of users and not force our techie-oriented
> "user experiences" on them.  And using Flash like most sites do goes
> against good usability.
> </CF_UsabilitySoapBox>
> Man, I need a weekend off!  :)
> Chris

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