 it's in the latest issue of aspnetPro. The article is called

Easy Uploads
Get files to your site with SQL server.

Unfortunately you have to subscribe to the magazine to get the article. It's
on their site as well but you have to be a paid
subscriber to view the article.

I'm not at home so I don't have anything specific I can take from the
article and off the top of my head can't state any facts from it(wouldn't
want to misquote anything). If you are interested in reading it you can
email me off list and I might be able to email you the text of the article.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Donnie Bachan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: BLOBs and CF

> Ben said:
> "
> I'd have to agree with Paul on this one. In one of the new issues of
> aspNetPro magazine there is an article about storing files in your
> It is becoming more common to store images, files etc.. in your DB rather
> than just putting a link to the file. Security is handled by the DB as
> so you don't worry as much about setting up secure directories.
> "
> Ben, do you have the details on that issue of aspNetPro mag? Since this
> most likely end up using SQL Server that article may be very pertinent.
> The DB giants (Oracle,MS) obviously offer BLOBs as a datatype for a
> It has always been my personal practice to store the links to the file in
> the DB and the actual files in the file system. After reading the comments
> on both sides here I am beginning to think differently. I am still
> with the eventual size of the db if I store everything in there. On the
> other hand using the system in a clustered may pose a problem although I
> haven't fully investigated how one of the large DB vendors handle
> replication etc. across the cluster.
> I agree that storing the files in the DB offers higher level of
> of the files and that is a key point as far as I see.
> Thanks again for all those who have contributed to this discussion so far.
> It is much appreciated.
> Best Regards,
> Donnie Bachan
> Phone: (718) 217-2883
> ICQ#: 28006783
> "Nitendo Vinces - By Striving You Shall Conquer"
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