> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2003 12:23 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: CrystalTech says ALL variables must be locked
> Hi,
> I'm trying to resolve a problem for an application hosted at
> CrystalTech which sporadically starts sending out corrupted email
> when using CFMAIL.
> CrystalTech is saying that the problem is because I'm not
> CFLOCKing my variables, even though a) my application is not
> using session or application variables; b) I've demonstrated the
> problem with a test program that uses NO variables, and c) the
> problem only occurs with CFMAIL, not CDONTS.
> During the discussion, their techs insist that in a shared
> hosting environment, ALL variables must be CFLOCKed, not just
> shared variables (session, application, etc.). Is this right? I'm
> well aware of the need to lock shared variables, but I've never
> heard that non-shared variables must be locked as well.

Nope that's a dirty fib.  Only Session, Application and Server variables
have to be locked (and then really only in CF 5 and below if stability is
your concern).

I'd request a technician with some CF horse sense.

However you might want to attempt to lock your mail process in a named lock
to serialize it and see if your problem goes away.

Jim Davis

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