On Monday, Jul 21, 2003, at 08:03 US/Pacific, Dave Watts wrote:
>> And I believe it is currently not guaranteed that multiple
>> queries from one request will use the same connection. Right?
> That's an interesting question. It's my understanding that multiple 
> queries
> using the same datasource within a single request do use the same
> connection, based on conversations I've had with some MM people, but I 
> can't
> say that it's definitively true.

I asked the CF product team and they said:

"All .cfm page requests that use the same Datasource will get the same 
connection back. The Connection object is stored in the Threadlocal 
object and reused for subsequent connection requests on the page."

So it sounds like Dave's understanding is correct.

Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/

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