My bad, it does work like I stated in my first paragraph. You _can_ have
multiple roles listed for a CFC and the loginuser only have one of those
listed roles. Not sure on multiple roles for the user as our setup only
allows for one role per user at the moment.

I would still like to understand this better, so any personal opinions or
pointers to further information (besides the docs) would be much


-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Kime [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 11:44 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Roles in CFMX

I need help understanding ROLES in CFMX because I think the concept goes
against my idea of roles-based security. I would think that if you assign a
user one to many roles and then if a role is listed in a comma delimited
list in the roles parameter on a CFC, the user can access it, but that's not
how it goes in CFMX.
Here's a quick rundown of my situation: we finished a major app, now two
other groups want access to it and this requires limitations to certain
areas and functions. When developing the original app we set everyone on the
same role, so all CFCs have the role parameter set.
Say for simplicity's sake, the three roles are G for guest, U for user, and
A for Admin. Therefore....
Guests = "G"
Users = "G,U"
Admins = "G,U,A"
On a CFC, if the role is "G" will the Users and Admins be able to use the
What about a "G,U" restricted function, will Admins be able to access it?
Ryan Kime
Webco Industries


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