I agree, the problem is there isn't a tool being significantly maintained
that is ColdFusion driven.

<tongue_in_check thought="Maybe that's why CF isn't taken seriously...">
    <it_review_team action="surprised">
        You want to use CF? are you kidding?
    <cf_dev action="animated">
        Sure, it's a robust, powerful, scalable application server built the
solid foundation of J2EE technology!
    <it_review_team action="inquisitive">
        That sounds promising, I bet it has a great IDE for it too, right?
    <cf_dev action="hesitant">
        Um, well, we've got ColdFusion Studio, er HomeSite+...
    <it_review_team action="curious">
        Hasn't that been pretty much feature set frozen for nearly 5 years?
    <cf_dev action="excited">
        Only FOUR years!, but we've also got Dreamweaver!
    <it_review_team action="surprised">
        Are you kidding? I never saw a mention about CF features in the last
DW release...
        In other words, while being a serious platform, CF has a serious
lack of dedicated, robust, and supported development tools?
    <cf_dev action="shuffling feet">
        Yea, but we only need notepad to write code!

- Calvin

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "dwayne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 6:29 AM
Subject: RE: DWMX 2004 - Whats new for us?

> >Angel, I think majority of this was discussed yesterday.  There are some
> >stuff in DWMX that are CF Specific, but they also have to make DWMX look
> >attractive for other technologies as well.
> >
> That's fine.  But before they make attractive for other technologies, can
they at least make it attractive to us, coldfusion developers.  I can't see
an ASP or PHP developer using a tool so oriented towards ColdFusion.  Just I
wouldn't use a tool design specifically for PHP to code ColdFusion.   Who is
running MACR's Dreamweaver Department.  Sounds like they have some serious
ego, power, tripping issues.  They trying to be all to all.
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