i did read them several times and they are wayyyyyyyy out there!

since you need to take in current ad campains to sell yourself to
customers try this.....
instead of taking the latest ad for dwmx in, why dont you take in
something from say..... coldfusion mx;) like maybe the article in the last
eweek or fron or whatever. Being that the product is coldfusion
and not dwmx.

sounds like the problem u have is not being a very good sales person.

if all else fails, just tell them you have magic flour that you put into
your muffins that makes u a super cf coder ;)

but seriously, why dont u take an hour and learn the history of the
languages. Then when you got into battle you give them a run down of why
cf was one the 1st dynamic languages and why it still survives today.
While for example the big machine (m$) has abandoned ASP & im sure will
abandon .net at some point.

then why dont you tell them about why M$ tries to keep all the
technologies to themselfs and how MM welcomes the programmer to use
whatever they choose and offers something that everyone can use and doesnt
leave anyone out.

where i live, i have to compete against a competitor who uses frontpage.
WHat a joke that is, she now refers about everything to me and just takes
the referal $. Cause she went head to head with me with a client, oops 4
u gotta learn to sell yourself, hell 90% of the people I do stuff 4 have
no idea what i even use. and frankly, I dont think they care.
sell yourself, give them what they what & ur good 2 go

> Please re-read my statements, and keep on topic.
> I am talking about the most recent marketing campaign for Dreamweaver MX
> 2004 and the ommission of CF in that campaign.
> Thanks,
> -Angel.
> -----Original Message-----
>> Speaking for myself, I do question the commitment from a marketing
>> standpoint for CF.
> oh, pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
> lets do some simple math
> dreamweaver mx updates:
> 6.1
> =1
> coldfusion mx updates:
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 6.1 (red sky)
> =4
> hummmmmm..........
> hello, you just got red sky and php got ziltch & asp got ziltch & .net
> got ziltch.
> seems too me that they(non cf crowd) should be the ones complaing since
> those users probably make up 75% of the ppl who buy dw.
> so are you saying that we should have MM say screw u too the php & asp &
> only concentrate on cf?
> if thats the case, say goodbye too cf
> i surely dont see enough cf'ers too support it.
> personally, i see MM do a hell of a lot for the cf crowd.
> if you dont think so, go to adobe or M$ and see what they will do for
> you, LMFAO!
> sure we need people to voice their needs but this is getting ridulous.
> as far as someone mentioning their cf survey & they didnt get all they
> want...... i wont even comment on that no brainer.
> maybe im just in a bad mood & i appologize for that, but come on.
> folks at MM, i think you are doing a great job & thank you for that.
> maybe once ppl stop pouting and get more ppl too use coldfusion then the
> finacial capibilities will be there for MM to do something just for the
> coldfusion crowd.
> helloooooo..... RED SKY....RED SKY....RED SKY......RED SKY
> thats not the only thing thats not computing, lol
>> Speaking for myself, I do question the commitment from a marketing
>> standpoint for CF.
>> You said that they wished to target the PHP and ASP market, but this
>> doesn't explain why there was no mention of CF specific products in
>> their initial marketing campaign.
>> That contradicts a company wide commitment to a product and a cohesive
>> vision for a line of utilities that includes that product.
>> It's like New Atlanta came out with an IDE for CFML and in the next
>> revision mentioning pages upon pages of new features for .Net and
>> nothing for the standard Bluedragon server, whilst saying outside the
>> offical marketing campaign there have been several 'exciting'
>> improvements for standard Bluedragon.
>> That's akin to what MM is doing with their marketing.
>> In the offical campaign they mention improvements for .ASP and .PHP.
>> But on these lists they say that us CF Coders have so much to look
>> forward to, yet none of these are worth mentioning in the official
>> marketing campaign???
>> That does not compute.
>> -Angel
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Ben Forta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 3:27 PM
>> To: CF-Talk
>> Subject: RE: DWMX 2004 - Whats new for us?
>> For those of you who question the commitment to CF, um, hello? Did you
>> miss 6.1? I for one think that CFMX 6.1 is a very significant upgrade,
>> you may feel otherwise and are entitled to do so. Regardless,
>> investing as we did in CF and then releasing it as a free upgrade to
>> me spells Commitment (with a capital C). Yes, I know there are other
>> departments and product teams within Macromedia who like to play
>> Switzerland and not marry themselves to any product for fear of
>> alienating users of other technologies, but that is marketing and
>> should be recognized as such. I beat up on them for it, you should
>> feel free to do the same. If you hear nothing from the CF team for a
>> while, get worried, until then realize that Macromedia is a big
>> company (i.e., not Allaire) selling lots of products many of which
>> generate far greater revenue than does ColdFusion.
>> --- Ben

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