> Again - if it were also a stand alone application (as it probably needs
> to be) then the situation is murkier - how is it "integrated".  A DLL 
> on
> the machine (as long as it launched by a hyper text command and
> controlled by the hyper-text browser) IS a "plug-in" - despite the fact
> that there is no "generic" plug-in architecture in place.
Integrating a DLL into an application means that it is part of the same 
memory space and thus does not use IPC to communicate.

> IE opening Word (for example) via OLE mode is also (seemingly) covered
> as is Encarta (which launches media and other applications via it's
> hyper text interface).
In the case of OLE, there is IPC going on between two distinct 
applications with one being clearly controlled by another.

> Of course this IS legalese and thus completely obtuse - but I still the
> patent paints with a much larger stroke than many people think.
No doubt about that, but the fact that IPC is specifically mentioned 
means that any integration that doesn't use IPC is not covered.

Matt Liotta
President & CEO
Montara Software, Inc.
(888) 408-0900 x901

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