>When developers of Linux, Macs and so on will make equivalent tools 
>available, I'll be glad to use them.
>For the time being it's simply too time consuming.

I agree. It is very easy to say "DUH! Your editor only works in 95% of the browsers. 
How about ME. I got a MAC. You suck!" and not as easy to actually DO a cross-browser, 
GPL, Coldfusion editor. If anyone has the knowledge to make it work under 
Mozilla/Netscape/Mac, feel free to drop a line in the SourceForge project forum:

I am just posting here because I am a CF developer and I needed a GPL, CF-based, 
customizable, multi-language (21 languages here), WYSIWYG editor, and since I did not 
find it I decided to port a PHP version and it works pretty nice. I am sure a lot of 
CFers here have this same need and cannot afford stuff such as ActivEdit or other CF 

- mga
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