At 12:16 PM 9/16/03 -0400, Adam Wayne Lehman wrote:
>Look, if only 100 people used the internet, then disregarding 5% would
>be acceptable. 2004 projections for people online worldwide is 710-945
>So are you saying that 35-74 million users aren't worth your time? There
>are plenty of Javascript and Flash based WYSIWYGs.

If I have 20 hours to complete a project, and 5% of my audience needs 
special work, then I have 1 hour to make sure it works on their 
systems.  I'm not suggesting that I would purposely break the application 
on their systems, I'm saying that they have to respect the percentages.

Besides, just because there are 710 million users, I really doubt they all 
come to my website.  Maybe I only cater to 1000 of them.  But that still 
isn't the issue - I have to make the system work for the majority of my 
users.  It's like business.  I'm sure that there are people who would like 
to buy a suit at 1AM.  But since there are so few people like that, there 
are very few suit stores open then (at least where I live.)


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