
You should be able to utilize the underlying HttpSessionListener
interface to monitor session creations and destructions, though that
requires writing an appropriate Java class which isn't a big deal if you
don't mind getting your hands dirty with Java. You'll also need to use
J2EE sessions.

Admittedly, having a "native" ColdFusion hook for these events would be
useful i.e. you register a CFC that listens for these events and when
the event occurs all the "listening" CFCs get notified with the
appropriate event. Unfortunately, CFCs don't support interfaces so this
might be a little tricky to implement i.e. deciding which method in the
CFC to call.

Are you aware of the SessionTracker class that maintains a collection of
sessions for a given ColdFusion application?

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 18 September 2003 06:07
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: wanted features (was Re: (Admin) disclosure)

> The two biggest requests for new functionality I here are:
> 1) End of session processing (however it's done, an event model, a
> special template handler, etc - people are always asking "how do I
> when a user is about to time-out").
That would be great. OnEventEnd as a setting of some sort in the
tag to run a template when the specific event ends (OnSessionEnd,
OnApplicationEnd). An admin or programatic way of watching the current
information would also be great. You can hack such a thing now, but
built in
would be so much nicer.

> 2) Direct Image manipulation (at the very least information access and
> resizing - it seems like every other week somebody is asking how to do
> thumbnail gallery).  This is pretty easy nowadays if you know a little
> Java - but many CFers don't.
Direct image, PDF, RTF, etc. manipulation/creation. We can create graphs
on the
fly nativly in CF, we can create images using the CFX_Image tag, we can
use X,Y,
or Z product to create PDFs. Why not make it all native to CF.

> Even if NNTP's not "in demand" it does seem like one of the only major
> protocols that CF doesn't support natively.  For that reason alone it
> might be nice to see it in there ("Supports all major Internet
> protocols").
My point. :)

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