Hello Bryan,

I think that Verisign Recurring payment might provide you a solution. If
I remember correctly for that you just have to store the PNRef number,
so that you can refer any recurring transaction. If you need any further
information about it, let me know.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Stevenson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2003 1:20 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: CC Processing and Recurring Billing

Hey All,

I've been looking into recurring billing options with some CC processing
companies because we do not want to go to the expense and potential
liability of collecting and storing cc numbers.  So far what I have
found is not what I would have expected, so I'm checking to see what
others may have found.

Here's what I've been told so far:

1) The cc processing company stores the CC number
2) During the first payment processing for any given customer, you also
setup the recurring billing details (i.e. bill this CC number annually

Here's what I was hoping for:

1) During first Tx you pass along a customer ID with the CC number etc.
to be stored for futuire Txs on that card.
2) When your system is ready to bill that card again (i.e. my system
decides when it' time to bill and how much to bill), I pass the customer
ID/details/amount to the CC procerssing company which they use to lookup
the CC number and process the Tx.

Obviously what I was hoping for gives you far greater flexibility and
can allow the annual billing amount to fluctuate (this system gives
dicounts on renewals for referrals).  With what I've been told, I would
have to constantly sending changes to the CC processing company to
adjust renewal amounts....problem is there does not seem to be a way to
do this unless I have the cc number....which of course I do not want to

So does anybody know of a CC processing company that works the way I'm
hoping for?  Do you have any other suggestions on how to handle this
(without storing cc numbers in my system)?



Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
t. 250.920.8830

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