>  We are currently using FreeFind for many of our clients, and
> it does a very nice job of providing search functionality,
> but our clients are increasingly asking for something that
> allows for a customized set of search results pages. For
> instance, several of our clients would like a search engine
> that displays the results by *section* of the website, and
> then by relevance within those sections.
> 1) Does anyone know of a search engine that does this?
> 2) What other search engines do people use that they're happy
> with?

I'm not familiar with FreeFind, but it seems to me that you can probably get
where you want using the bundled version of Verity that comes with CF. Or,
if you're using MS SQL Server and/or IIS, you can use Microsoft's full-text
search functionality. You can certainly customize both the search and
results interfaces in either case.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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