Mainly i will cite that it is open source which allows for nearly limitless flexibility.  Indexing and searching can be crafted to your application.  Outside of that, check out the lucene website (posted earlier) for a breakdown of what Lucene can do.

I have found the following to be true of lucene and not necessarily with Verity:
* Free/open source
* Limitless indexed entities
* Cross-platform compatibility
* Full control over searching and indexing
* Index portablility (can create an index anywhere and use it anywhere - web,cdrom,locally,etc)

Verity is very flexible, i just happen to happen to enjoy the level of control and portability of Lucene over it.  Use whatever works for you and your applications, though..  I prefer to have an engine that works with my application, rather than an application that works with my search engine.

I do urge anyone interested to draw their own conclusions based on their experiences :)



-----Original Message-----
From: Geoff Bowers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 9:28 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Alternatives to Verity

Ryan Emerle wrote:
re: lucene
> It's really amazing how well this search engine works.  It is far more
> flexible than Verity.

What exactly is more flexible than Verity?  I'm an old Verity hack from
way back -- and I'm interested in Lucene but can't really see what it
does that's so special.

-- geoff bowers
Daemonite --
Fullasagoog --
FarCry --
ArsAura --


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