
When you output getClassDate before going into the loop, what is the value of the variable? Is it 4? Is it 1?

P.S. The CFTRANSACTION and CFTRY/CFCATCH block are to ensure the right data is going into the mutliple INSERT block

Also, take a look at the evaluation function and the CreateOBDCDate functions. These will help you format the date correctly into the database!

>when I insert one date at a time there is no problem.   The problem comes
>when the user needs to insert multiple dates for a particular clas.
>classTitle: Guitar for Beginners (text box)
>classTime: 12:00-2:00PM (select list)
>user chooses Oct 1, Oct 8, Oct 15, Oct 22
>OK now, with one click the user should be able to enter this class.
>On the database end I should have four records
>classDatesID (primary key)
>classID (foreign key)
>I haven't been able to loop through the inserts correctly. Presently it
>tries to stuff all the dates into the same field as seen below:
>>INSERT INTO classDates
>> ( classID, classDay, classSession, classDates, classTime )
>>VALUES ( '5', 'Mon', '1', '2003,2003,2003,2003/10,10,10,10/1,8,15,22',
>>'12:00-2:00' )
>I'll look into the transaction tag but I thought it had more to do with
>multiple insertions by multiple people and ensuring that one transaction was
>finished before starting another.
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