I'm kinda desperate, I have a fast approaching deadline and all of sudden
ANY and ALL webservices on my server do not work and all return this error
when I try to call them! They worked yesterday and nothing was done on  the
server. What could this mean? The WSDL file is here
and is apparently malformed...

This is the error I get:

Name: lfbridgeTest. WSDL:
org.xml.sax.SAXException: Fatal Error: URI=null Line=1: Missing whitespace
before SYSTEM literal URI. It is recommended that you use a web browser to
retrieve and examine the requested WSDL document for correctness. If the
requested WSDL document can't be retrieved or it is dynamically generated,
it is likely that the target web service has programming errors.

Sorry for the double post, but like I said, I'm kinda desperate and don't
know what else to try. I have searched the web and found a few similar
posts regarding CFMX but no answers.

Brook Davies

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