Benjamin S. Rogers wrote:
>>Sure. I would use:
>>SELECT     *
>>FROM       SourceIPSpamCount
>>ORDER BY   SourceIP
>>But I don't use MS SQL Server ;-)
> I'm afraid that comment was lost on me? If you could give me a bit more
> information, perhaps I could come up with an equivalent in SQL Server
> for Tony.

Somebody wrote IP, network and MAC datatypes for PostgreSQL,
including support for the big seven operators. So I could just
use the IP datatype for SourceIP and everything would work

jochemd=> create table iptest (ip inet);
jochemd=> insert into iptest (ip) values ('');
jochemd=> insert into iptest (ip) values ('');
jochemd=> insert into iptest (ip) values ('');
jochemd=> insert into iptest (ip) values ('');
jochemd=> insert into iptest (ip) values ('');
jochemd=> select * from iptest order by ip ;
(5 rows)

Since it is my understanding that you can't write your own
operators in MS SQL Server, I doubt this is going to fly.


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