Exactly 6 years this month as an independent consultant.

TODAY I am embarking on my first ever SQL Server driven web site.
(So please, be gentle with me)

OMG yes, first ever - til now just never needed more than MS Access.

I'm running SQL Server 2000, and have successfully converted a message forum
Access database to SQL Server - total 3,609 records.

3 Basic Questions

1 - Question regarding indexing.  In Access, I was able to just designate
whether a
column in a table was indexed or not.

In reading the SQL Server documentation I THINK I need to do this through
"Manage Indexes" / Create Index.  However I'm not sure if I'm doing this

I have three columns in the table that I want to index on - CategoryChoice
(nvarchar), PostDate (datetime desc) and ThreadDate (datetime desc). All three
are non-unique.

I createed an index based on these three columns, and set it as nonclustered,
name it BoardSort The FIleGroup is checked and set as Primary.

Is that all I need to do, or am I missing something?  Do I need to refer to
index on my web site to make use of it?

2. - Auto-Incremented Number field - in Access, I just set a field to AutoNum.
In SQL Server, after import, for my CategoryChoices Table, I have a unique ID
field that was autonum.  The import wizard converted the column to an INT and
I set the Identity to YES, Identity Seed to 1, and Identity Increment to 1.
Is that all I need to do to achieve the same results as an Access AutoNum?

3.  On the front end of the site, for my queries, what is the syntax for a
regarding ownership? I recall needing to either refer to the table owner or
the UserID and Password to access a table however I can't recall where in the
query to do this or when.  Couldn't find any info in the documentation.

Thanks very much for any help provided

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