Here's a problem I've been plagued with recently, and sure others have
as well.

I've got a large number of tables listing industrial parts. There's
columns and columns of specs, temperature tolerances, blah, blah, blah...

I've built an administration system for the client to keep all this
stuff updated, and built display pages that they're pulling into Acrobat
to actually print their catalogue when needed.

However, they need products from each table listed in a specific order
for printing. There's nothing in the database that can be used to sort
these to get them in the order they want - it's completely arbitrary. No
alpha or numeric sort on any combination of columns will actually do the

So, for a page listing 550 parts from a table, what type of solution or
system can I use that will allow them to specify, on whatever whim, the
exact order all these parts get listed.  They need to be able, for
example, shift product number 15 down to the 25th position and have
everything else resort from there....

You *could* let them manually edit a "sort index", but if you change #5
to #15, then how the heck to you avoid having to manually edit every
other number in the table to sort them all out again, since duplicates
ain't gonna work?

Best practice?
How are others handling this sort (pun!) or thing?

Les Mizzell
“Mihi placent, O Pincerna!
  Virent ova! Viret perna!
  Dapem posthac non arcebo.
  Gratum tibi me praebebo.”

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