> So, my question is, what do ASP people refer to "components" as?

Within a well-designed "classic" ASP application, business logic is
separated from ASP scripting by putting it within COM (or COM+ or MTS)
objects. "Classic" ASP development best practices recommend the use of COM
for any significant application logic.

> I'm trying to talk to the ASP guys about using CFC-like
> components so that the client's CF guys can interface with
> them, but the ideas just aren't getting across.

If the ASP application is using COM objects, you may be able to successfully
use them from CF, depending on how they're written. But I wouldn't recommend
using CF to talk to COM objects generally, if you can avoid it.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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