Joshua Miller wrote:
> If this was about "protecting intellectual property" all of the browser
> vendors would be in the same boat, however they're not.

It is not and it was never about protecting intellectual
property. It is about the exploitation of intellectual property
to earn money.

> Microsoft was
> targeted because they have the deepest pockets and the lion's share of
> the browser market.

So if you can get them convicted throughout all appeals, the rest
will not resist too much. Why do you think everybody always goes
after Amazon, eBay, Google etc? Because they are market leaders
with deep pockets to pay defence lawyers. So if they can't win in
court, the small fry won't even try.

> I personally appreciate the fact that Microsoft is not going to license
> the technology

I don't really care if they are going to license the technology
or not, but continuing to sell products with that technology
without licensing that technology does raise the stakes.


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