No worries, I'm taking out a Patent on being an Asshole, then I'm going
after Eolas and all these other jokers for infringement. Ask anyone I
know, I'll get the patent.

I wonder if one can get a patent on "Lawsuit as Business Model". Then we
could really stick it to some people.

On Fri, 2003-10-24 at 15:38, Kevin Marino wrote:
> Matt,
> Agree. as developers purely technical situations as this are a
> nuisance for
> sure, but the patents you need to be outraged about center on business
> methods. Its these patents that make it almost impossible to say for
> example, build an ecommerce site.  I can pretty much bet anybody on
> this
> list who has built an ecommerce site has for most intents and purposes
> probably infringed on a patent.
> So instead of being outraged because you have to add a few lines of
> code to
> work around a patent to make your project accessible to the majority
> of your
> customer base, you should take up the grievance with the patent office
> and
> government when they allow business method patents and other far more
> damaging patents.
> That's my 2 cents, hope this thread ends soon (filling my mail box up,
> gonna
> have to start a new folder for this thread alone  hehe )
> -Kevin Marino
> ----------------------
> Webmaster - HealthObjects
> 410 895 0377  
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 3:17 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: OT (was Re: Macromedia sinks on sales news)
> > But Eolas is still only suing MS and that is precisely my issue with
> > him. I don't think he has any intentions of suing Apple and AOL.
> Which
> > in my book are still pretty big fish. They have openly said they are
> > trying to 'balance the internet browser war'. (ie. We're only going
> to
> > sue MS)
> >
> I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself. It is standard
> practice to sue the biggest fish first and then to handle the rest
> after that case is finished. This a legal strategy used in all
> industries. Further, this strategy has the additional business benefit
> of reducing overall legal expenses as the other companies will
> generally settle if the first lawsuit is won. Eolas's decision to
> pursue only Microsoft at this point is common and expected behavior.
> All of the reasons people keeping pointing out that make Eolas a bad
> company in their eyes can be applied to most of the top companies in
> existence. IMHO, web developers only seem to care about this
> particular
> patent issue because it affects them directly. Where is the outcry for
> all the other stupid patents and the companies behind them?
> Matt Liotta
> President & CEO
> Montara Software, Inc.
> (888) 408-0900 x901
>   _____  
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