It's a more intelligent virus that has taken a piece of mail from someone's
box and used it as a base to send out the virus. I haven't been able to
trace the original email (actually, it's just a fragment) to a specific post
to any HoF list. Be that as it may, it's being sent to individuals and if
you get it, use standard AV procedures. You'll never see it on the list.
As for who Arden Weiss is, he does not exist as far as I know. There is no
record of such a person on any of the HoF lists.

> Hi all.  Don't know if I'm the only one, but I've been getting emails from
> an "Arden Weiss".  The messages seem to be CF related, and come with an
> attachment.  The attachment is a .scr file.  I myself have never had
> dealings with Arden Weiss (that I can remember), and know better to open
> .scr file attachements.
> Arden, if you are still monitoring the list, please run an antivirus
> on your system.
> I've included a sample of the message below, without the attachement.
> Shawn
> Sample message
> =====================
> Will I see you at the CF meeting next Tuesday (the 10th) -- think I will
> to this one -- they are off into the CF MX relm and here I am just
> with CF5 but I must at least be aware of what's going on there?
> Centervile house rehab is in slow-down mode for the res
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