You need to use _javascript_ in order for this to work. I think it is
something like or
place it inside href=""> document.yourFormName.yourTextAreaName.focus();" I am not an expert in JS
but that should do the trick.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Janine Jakim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 2:41 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Quick question- give text area focus

  I have a page that the users wanted multiple textarea fields that could be
  spell checked.  They also wanted to be able to review all of their
  work as they were submitting it AND for the page to advance to the next
  To do that plus to keep it from being a mess of huge textarea boxes (2000
  characters/each one) I made it so that it is a page of links
  Link1 blah blah info for users to read whats in this section
  Link2 blah blah info for users to read whats in this section
  Link3 blah blah info for users to read whats in this section
  Link4 blah blah info for users to read whats in this section

  If a user clicks on Link2- link2 becomes a textarea box while all the
  links look exactly the same.  (So only one thing is editable at a time).
  When the user saves the information in the textarea box of link2 it is
  then the user is returned to find Link3 now a textarea to be edited.
  Looks good/saves space/easy to use.
  1 problem though.  I'd like the cursor to automatically be in the textarea
  box. So they click save and the new textarea shows up- the cursor is there
  and they just have to start typing.  Right now they have to always click
  the box before typing.  Is there any way to do that?

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