Matt Liotta wrote:
>> Generally statements like this are non-sensical.  There are hundreds of
>> Verity based applications out there performing very nicely thankyou.
>> You can't just write-off an application like Verity on account of
>> having
>> a slow solution -- more than likely it is your solution implementation
>> that is buggered, and not the Verity engine.

Nope.. I can't help myself.

> Plenty of people have written off Verity for a variety of reasons of
> which performance is often mentioned. While I'll agree that plenty of
> applications achieve acceptable performance with Verity that doesn't
> change the fact that it does in fact have performance issues.

Performance issues??  In a context that vague any solution on earth
could be deemed to have "performance" issues.  But for a free text
search over a 10,000 record collection for the average CF app you'd be
hard pushed to make Verity break sweat.

> In fact,
> I have never seen an Verity solution on a single server that
> outperformed that of the freely available Apache project Lucene.

In fact, I have never seen an Apache project Lucene solution on a single
server that outperformed that of the Verity solution.  Truth be known
I've never had the chance to compare them in that way.  But that's my
point -- what a silly response.

> If any general statement is non-sensical it would be calling an
> implementation buggered without knowledge of the implementation itself.

You've always been a master sophist, Matt.  Verity is a solution that
has worked hand in hand with CF since the beginning of time.  It's
hardly non-sensical to suggest that it's more likely the Verity
implementation is not optimal than Verity itself is broken.

-- geoff
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