At 10:48 AM 12/18/2003 -0500, you wrote:

>Hi All I have the following code that throws an error that I don't
>understand. Hoping someone can help.
><cfimport taglib="/WEB-INF/lib/taglibs-scrape.jar" prefix="scrp">
><scrp:page url="" time="20">
>    <scrp:scrape id="qt" begin="<table border=1" end="</table>"
>The error is: "The type for attribute url of tag page could not be

Looks like an attribute validation error in being performed in the .jar
file. Perhaps its trying to type the URL variable and cannot determine that
it is a string? Try it with a simple string like "myString" and see if you
get the error again (although the tag might not perform its function
without a proper URL in the attribute!).

See how that goes.

Alex Sherwood
PHS Collection Agency
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