I can use some help on understanding the relationship between
cflogin and GetAuthUser. I understand that cflogin is only
executed if there is no logged-in user. If there is no logged-in
user, should GetAuthUser return an empty string? Conversely, if
GetAuthUser contains a non-null value, does that mean cflogin
should not get executed?

I'm asking because I'm encountering a situation where GetAuthUser
is returning a valid user, yet cflogin is still getting executed.

Note that I am invoking cfloginuser outside of the cflogin tag.
It seems to be registering the user properly, but is that why
cflogin is not recognizing the logged-in user? If this is the
case, can I safely replace the cflogin tag with <cfif
Len(GetAuthUser()) eq 0>to test if a logged-in user exists?

Dave Jones
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