Thanks to Raymond, Bryan and everyone else that responded.  I did log a bug as Raymond suggested.

There was 2 solutions to the problem.  The first solution was to pass the default value in for every argument that I didn't want to change.  Very messy, but it does work.

The 2nd solution was to use the <cfset var=udf(a=x, e=y, f=z)> then output #var#.  When I left this yesterday I was receiving a message about var being undefined.  This morning on my way in it suddenly came to me that I was seeing the output of my function on the screen before the error message appeared, just not where I wanted it.  This got me thinking about how my function was declared.

I had declared my function with the <cffunction> argument output="Yes".  This was causing the UDF's body to be output.  But I never had a <cfreturn> in my function declaration so nothing was actually returned to be put in the variable I was trying to set.  DUH!

So I changed the <cffunction> to have output="no", loaded the HTML I wanted to output into a variable in the UDF then did a <cfreturn> of that variable.  This works like a champ!

Once again, thanks for all the help.
Bill Grover
Manager, Information Systems Phone:301.424.3300 x3324
EU Services, Inc. FAX:301.424.3696
649 North Horners Lane E-Mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rockville, MD 20850-1299 WWW:
-----Original Message-----
From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 4:34 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFFunction Question

Ah, ok. It is in the error msg, but in small type:

Use ordered arguments instead.

It looks like if you copy a UDF to one of the built-in scopes, you can't do
udf(a=b) format. Which sucks. All I can say is log a bug for it.
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