sorry, the page is on an internal development server.

I just noted though the problem doesn't occur in Netscape 7.1, but does in
IE 6.0.  I've also found refernce to a windows bug, but not the details of
the bug.  I need this to work in IE 5.5 or better (client workstation
configuration), but don't know what else I can do to resolve this.  Any


-----Original Message-----
From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 3:09 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFHeader/CFContent woes.

Shawn Grover wrote:
> <CFHEADER NAME="Content-Disposition" VALUE="attachment;
> filename=fax_tenant.doc">
> <cfcontent type="application/msword"
> file="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\app\fax_tenant.doc" deletefile="No">
> The problem is that no matter what I do to the cfheader line, I NEVER see
> "fax_tenant.doc" as the requested filename.  I see the name of the .cfm
> (which is word_test.cfm in this case).  I wouldn't really care if the
> would at least display or save the word file.
> I've tried changing the cfheader line to read VALUE="inline;
> filename=fax_tenant.doc", and VALUE="filename=fax_tenant.doc" - both had
> absolutely no effect.  
> I've blew away my browser and server cache, and the compliled java classes
> for the page, and still saw no difference.
> I've tested this on two other workstations, and they saw the same
> So it's not workstation specific.



I don't get it
immigrants don't work
and steal our jobs
     - Loesje
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