Mary Jo Sminkey wrote:

> ><CFHEADER NAME="Content-Disposition" VALUE="attachment;
> >filename=fax_tenant.doc">
> ><cfcontent type="application/msword"
> >file="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\app\fax_tenant.doc" deletefile="No">
> >
> >The problem is that no matter what I do to the cfheader line, I NEVER see
> >"fax_tenant.doc" as the requested filename.  I see the name of the
> .cfm file
> >(which is word_test.cfm in this case).  I wouldn't really care if the
> thing
> >would at least display or save the word file.
> >
> Was searching for solutions for this same problem and came across this
> thread, but have yet to find any reason for it. It's very frustrating
> because it works fine in development, but on production, it won't give
> us the Word file. We are running the same Win2K server on both, same
> service pack, same version of Cold Fusion, and of course, I'm viewing
> these pages on the same IE browser. I've run out of options to check
> at this point, surely there is *some* reason this is happening!
Just a guess, but how about comparing the IIS config between the 2
servers? Maybe the MIME Map File Types might have different settings.
Not sure if that has anything to do with it, but I would think something
has to be different in the IIS config between the 2 boxes.

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