I've got some beta code (or did on my dead computer) that takes emails from
news.google.com and parses it into info for a DB. They vary their format
from time to time based on the content and the code deals with it. Once I
get my machine back I'll post it up.

> I am trying to list news on a certain topic (in this case Hepatitis C)
> using XML/SOAP/RSS etc.. feeds
> In a perfect world, I would be able to use the google API and instead of
> grabbing information from google the search engine, I would grab it from
> news.google.com because when punching "Hepatitis C" into news.google.com
> those are pretty much the exact results I want. Except it seems that
> this is not an option, at least not that I could figure out anyway.
> so I am looking at alternatives...anybody know of some?
> -Tim
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