On Tuesday, January 20, 2004, at 11:14  AM, Matt Robertson wrote:

> Previously, if you tried to send cfmail to "foo@ bar.com" (note the
> space) or "foo@@bar.com" or somesuch, cfmail would just dump it into
> the
> undeliverable folder and soldier on.

Just to verify what I think everyone has already figured out, the
current behavior isn't a bug.  When you said the application was
"crashing", I thought you meant it was crashing the application server,
which obviously would have been big bug.  It seems ColdFusion is
throwing an exception, instead, indicating that the email address is
invalid, which was a deliberate change in CFMX.

It looks like you have already considered several options for
re-factoring your code.  If you like having undelivered mail saved in a
particular directory or file, you can always manually do so in a
CFCATCH block.  Otherwise, validation either at the time the data is
entered (preferable), or at the time the data is selected is clearly in

Sorry for the confusion.

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