Well, it was about time... Finally upgraded my CF 4.5 server to 6.1.
Had minimal problems, and really nothing unexpected, except for this one

Previously, if you tried to send cfmail to "foo@ bar.com" (note the
space) or "foo@@bar.com" or somesuch, cfmail would just dump it into the
undeliverable folder and soldier on.  Under 6.1 it crashes the
application.  Now, we all know the GIGO rule about data, but try telling
that to a large client with an equally large membership they can no
longer send mail to as a group.

I've written an email validator, and added a lot of processing overhead
to the mail service, but I've still taken a big black eye over this.
Something this obvious has been reported, right?  Or is it taken for
granted now that CFMAIL breaks on this?

I can only find minimal mention of this (one post on some guy's forum)
on Google and nothing at MM, although I may be missing it.

Matt Robertson       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MSB Designs, Inc.  http://mysecretbase.com
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