I have a system built where a client can upload his product "database"
in CSV format from Excel to update his MySQL database. Unfortunately,
some of the columns in the source spreadsheet have text copied in from
M$ Word or some other processor and frequently contains characters that
are misinterpreted somewhere along the line (before being inserted into
the database). These characters are frequently curly quotes, hyphens,
etc in the original document and end up being these bizarre looking
glyphs when I dump the <cffile> read.

This same problem has plagued me in the past with clients pasting from
Word directly into my CMS as well. There must be a way to clean up all
this stuff or "translate" it into usable characters? I have ben
researching this problem on the list and web and it seems like the
character set might be the culprit, but I have yet to find a solution
that works.

Has anyone out there dealt with this problem? I am using MX 6.1 default
install, so CF's character set as far as I can tell is UTF-8.

Thanks in advance.
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