If you open one of your old mails, the smtp server settings will be set to
your old IP address of the old server or the old name of the old server.....

Either you can grep the files and replace the address of the smtp server

If you have a server name rather than an IP address, add an alias to your
hosts file for the old name that resolves to the new IP address......

That should sort out your problem.



From: Al Musella, DPM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, 25 January 2004 23:29
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Problem connecting to mail server after changing ip addresses

I have another clue!

   New emails go right through the system..It is only the old ones. (There
are about 4,000 of them) that are stuck.

  I cleared out the coldfusion/mail/spool directory (I moved them to a temp
folder) .. then  triggered an email from a feedback form, and it worked
I then took an email from the temp folder and put it in the spool
directory, and it threw an error saying could not connect to server, and it
moved the email to the undeliverable folder.

I inspected the mail headers between the .cfmail files that work and the
ones that don't..

The  only difference is the IP address in the x-cf-server field.  The ones
that do not work have the old IP address, which is no longer in use on the
server.  The ones that work have the current IP address of the machine..

Is this caused by a setting in my  stmp server, or cold fusion? Is there
any easy way to change that ip address in 4000 files?  (Other than reading
each on in and do a replace on the ip address?)

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