Thank you all
I try to change the file, copy file from development mashine but it still not working. I have win2k and Coldfusionmx 6.0
I can't even open ColdfusionMX Administor page either?.Actually It display blank page. I think some file in Coldfusin server corrupted.
I think I have to reinstall ColdfusionMX.

>> I don't why all my application doesn't display
>> anything?. When I open them, it doesn't show anything
>> just a blank page. I can not open Coldfusion admin
>> either. Do you know what wrong with this? Please help
>As Rob said, you'll have to provide more information than that. What
>operating system are you using? What web server? What version of CFMX? What
>do your log files say? If you're using an external web server, what happens
>if you use the JRun web server?
>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>phone: 202-797-5496
>fax: 202-797-5444
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