On Fri, 2004-02-13 at 09:00, Schuster, Steven wrote:
> How many companies with over 1,000 employees (and PC's) have you been with
> that ran Linux, FreeBSD or something similar on the desktop?

Not many on the U.S. desktop, no - but for back end systems open source
OSs are used quite a bit -

"In 1999, Linux scooted past Novell's Netware to become the No. 2 server
operating system behind Microsoft's Windows NT. Over the next four
years, IDC said, Linux shipments will grow at a rate of 28 percent, from
1.3 million in 1999 to 4.7 million in 2004."
-- CNET news

"Linux surged from a 16% share of the server software market in 1998 to
a quarter of the market in 1999, when it shipped nearly twice as many
copies as during the previous year, according to figures from
International Data Corporation (IDC)."
-- BBC news

And that's just Linux.

> The answer is: "Not a whole lot".

I am not too sure about that - I think China (and a lot of other
countries) uses Linux quite a bit (even on the desktop) -- and there are
a few people in china I hear. I couldn't find any stats though

> So, if most business runs MS on the desktop they rely on it. There are
> enough hacks out there now without the source code causing problems. If
> somebody had the source code they could cripple industries that relied on
> the platform rather quickly.

Well when your right your right.

> Our jobs are time consuming enough without the added pressure of 16 year old
> kids writing viruses all day aren't they.

I agree.

> If Linux was the most used OS in the world you better bet it wouldn't take
> long for exploit after exploit to hit that platform. With it being open
> source that simply makes the job that much easier.

Well I think Unix (the catch all) is the OS that has all the hard core
data in the world, but I haven't heard of a Unix worm or virus in a

Your points are valid - I was just trying to make light and poke a bit
of fun.

All in good fun


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