On Fri, 2004-02-13 at 09:37, Schuster, Steven wrote:
> ...and from a business point of view where does the majority of the work
> happen?
That depends on the business.

> Not on a server but rather on some desktop where people key in data to
> systems (Excel, PeopleSoft, Oracle, etc.). So if the desktop becomes
> unstable the work is unstable and so on and so forth.

True that garbage in garbage out. Or Marge in accounting can't do
payroll cause a DCOM exploit done blewed up her puter.

> I'm not knocking the value of Linux and those like it I just don't see it as
> a viable option for a world raised on MS. Our users have a hard enough time
> as it is with MS, asking them to change gears in mid stroke seems kind of
> self-defeating.

Well, that like saying people can't get off Green Screens, and move to
DOS, or move to Apple - the move to Windows from Apple. I understand
change is scary - but it is the one constant as they say. Plus, to be
frank the Gnome can be made to look alot like windows...

anyway this is getting off the off topic subject heheheh

Cheers Steven

> Now, new companies and up and comers would be able to start differently, I'm
> referring to the bigger companies here that would have problems.
(Bye bye legacy systems :( )


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